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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Phishing Warning: Google Docs Users Targeted by Sophisticated Phishing Scam

Symantec reports about a new phishing scam that sets up a phishing form that looks like a google sign-in in a google drive document.
"The fake page is actually hosted on Google's servers and is served over SSL, making the page even more convincing. The scammers have simply created a folder inside a Google Drive account, marked it as public, uploaded a file there, and then used Google Drive's preview feature to get a publicly-accessible URL to include in their messages."
  • * If you get an unexpected document from an unknown (or unlikely) collaborator, be suspicious
  • * IF you are already logged in Google in your browser a Google doc should NOT redirect you to a login form.
  • * When UMN Google Apps DO direct you to a login page - they should always include UMN branding.

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