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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Advisory: NO, no one has shared a document on Google Docs with you

Email Attack Hits Google: What to Do if You Clicked


A screen shot of an email received by a New York Times reporter on Wednesday that included a link that appeared to be for a Google document. (Identifying information has been redacted.)

Google said it was investigating an email scam winding its way through inboxes across the country and had disabled the accounts responsible for the spam.
The scheme emerged Wednesday afternoon, when spammers dispatched malicious email, appearing to come from people the recipients knew, beckoning them to click on what appeared to be a shared Google document.                    ........
If you receive suspicious email, here are some tips:
1. Do not click, even when the email is from your mother.
2. Turn on multifactor authentication.
       (this is coming for all UMN users soon, stay tuned)
3. Shut it down.
Go to https://myaccount.google.com/permissions
Revoke access to “Google Docs” (the app will have access to contacts and drive).
4. Change your passwords ... again.
5. Report it.
Report any phishing attacks to Google by clicking the downward arrow at the top right of your inbox and selecting “Report Phishing.” Companies count on those reports to investigate such scams and stop them.

See also:

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